Sunday, 21 October 2012

Glossary So Far

people who watch the drama
actors and acresses that take the scripted roles within any sort of acting
reasoning for everything being in the scene
a process used to get rid of all the bad shots and smooth out 2 different bits of filming make them look as one
a sound stimulants (e.g. music, phone ringing, loud crash) used to assert a feeling, emotion or thought
how and why different camera shots are used and why they are used
Zoom In- moving toward a subject
Zoom Out- moving away from a subject 
Camera Shots
where the camera is in relation to what it is filming and how that presents the object/person in the shot
Shot Types
Aerial  Shot-taken form directly above from a height (normally helicopter)
Extreme Wide Shot- the view is far away from the subject it isn't even visible
Very Wide Shot- the subject is barley visible but main focus is on the environment around
Wide Shot- the subject takes up the whole frame (aka long shot or full shot)
Mid Shot- shows a part of the subject in detail. (waist up)
Medium Close Up- shows more of subject than environment (shoulders up)
Close Up- a certain feature or part of a subject takes up the whole frame (just face)
Extreme Close Up- gets really close to the subject and shows extreme detail (just eyes)
Cut In- shows a part of the body in detail
Cutaway- shows something other than the subject
Two-Shot- a shot of two people at about mid shot range
Over The Shoulder- looking from behind the subject make you feel as if you are 3rd party
Point Of View- shot of the view from subjects perspective
Weather Shot- shot of the weather chosen for its connotations (rain=sadness)
Shot Angles
High- used to show you are above/superior of the subject
Low- show power of the subject
Canted or Oblique- shot is tittled to look distorted
Camera Movement
Pan- camera moves horizontally from left to right or right to left slowly to reveal more of the setting
Tilt- the camera moving up and down moving the attention of the audience & give more info
Depth Of Field
what is in focus in the shot and what is its propose

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

This is a cut in shot taken from eastsnders when Jame found out she couldn't have children. There was slow moving music playing in the background. You can hear Jane crying so you don't need to see her facial expression to know the emotions she is feeling. Jane's dark clothes also portray this Ian in the lighter clothes is the bringer of the bad news.

 This cut away photo was published in a magazine at the return of Ian. he'd been in hiding for a few months and had came out as living on the streets.  The tree symbolises his hiding and the styling and make up cuts make him look really rough.

This was a argument between Roxy & Binica. The director has used a mid shot so you feel as if you are the 3rd person in the shot. and you are right in the middle of the drama. Binica is wearing her typical bight mix matched clashing colours, Roxy is in coral soft colours. the facial expression Binica is pulling sums up the  emoticon of the whole scene

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Different Social Groups In TV dramas; part 1

Different social groups are represented in different ways in television dramas.
For example in EastEnders on 11th September 2012, Ray Dixon (played by Chucky Venn) he is the chef in the famous 'Queen Victoria Pub' he came into conflict with a white police officer. They were stood just a few feet away from a train bridge going across a road. The police car was driving pasted and pulled over and asked Ray to take off his jumper after a robbery had been reported. 
In Ray's eyes he saw he was being singled out because he was black, and wearing a baggy jumper. This rises questions about is the police force racist. Or did they have a valid reason for stopping and searching him.
Mo Harris an underdog of the square  and no stranger to the police, witnessed the whole thing. He helped ray pick up his stuff after he'd been searched and the police had driven off. This shows the tight community spirit of the EastEnders community.



Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Mise en scène

Mise en scène, is french, directly translated means, 'put in the scene'. We use it to described things that are in the frame and why they are there. 
Things that need to be taken into consideration;
  • Props
  • Lighting
  • Sound
  • Positioning
  • Location
  • Styling
  • Make Up
many people get paid a lot of money to arrange and come up with the ideas for this. this is a college i found that specialises in training people in all different types of styling. Fashion, Hair, Make up.