Wednesday 17 October 2012

This is a cut in shot taken from eastsnders when Jame found out she couldn't have children. There was slow moving music playing in the background. You can hear Jane crying so you don't need to see her facial expression to know the emotions she is feeling. Jane's dark clothes also portray this Ian in the lighter clothes is the bringer of the bad news.

 This cut away photo was published in a magazine at the return of Ian. he'd been in hiding for a few months and had came out as living on the streets.  The tree symbolises his hiding and the styling and make up cuts make him look really rough.

This was a argument between Roxy & Binica. The director has used a mid shot so you feel as if you are the 3rd person in the shot. and you are right in the middle of the drama. Binica is wearing her typical bight mix matched clashing colours, Roxy is in coral soft colours. the facial expression Binica is pulling sums up the  emoticon of the whole scene

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